Freedom Writers Exclusive
Kunan Poshpora event continues to haunt Kashmiris
Remembering the Kunan Poshpora Mass Rape February 23, 1991. El Shaheed takes us through the testimonies of Young and old women of Kunan Pushpora Kashmir Gang rape victims
Speech delivered by Syed Ali Shah Geelani in LTG Auditorium, New Delhi
"We are often asked: What do you mean by azadi? Whether we will be able to uphold and ensure justice for all after azadi? Sitting in Delhi , when we talk about what azadi is, the answer should not be difficult. Indians also fought British colonialism. Similarly, Kashmiris also aspire for freedom from the Indian occupation...." Syed Ali Shah Geelani speaks in the Indian capital
Tonight we are all Tunisians, Tomorrow we could be Kashmiris
"Tonight we are all Tunisians but tomorrow we could just as easily become Kashmiris", Yvonne Ridley comments
In Afghanistan we have a lesson to learn
"The responsibility of change and revolution lies on the shoulders of the youth of Kashmir. It is time that they decide whether they want the status quo in the society or a complete transformation, that whether they want luxuries for themselves only or peace and harmony in the whole society, that whether they want the high profile living or a life worth living!" Mehdi Siddique comments
Kashmir: The Essence of the UNCIP Resolutions
"When it comes to Kashmir or any other Muslim territory like Gaza etc. human rights, right to self determination and democratic principles become irrelevant. How hypocrite the west is." Dr Raja Muhammad Khan has his say
Kashmir as envisioned by Jinnah
"Therefore, Kashmir was not an exception, once the demand of a separate homeland for the Muslims in sub-continent was being made. Kashmir was to become part of Pakistan, and the word ‘K’ in Pakistan is indeed for the state of ‘Kashmir’. As revealed through the available archives, Quaid-i-Azam, visited Kashmir at least four times..." Dr. Raja Muhammad Khan has his say
Pakistan Phobia and Indian Morality
Koshur Mazloom has shattered the peace of mind of millions of Indians with this write up. Go through it and sing in unison WAKE UP INDIANS.
"Kashmir's freedom struggle is essentially a war between a section of society who thinks it has the right to rule in what ever fashion it chooses over all other people and those who think that all are equal and righteousness is what differentiates between people." Mehdi Siddique has his say
"When I reached Gaw Kadal, all I could see were the dead. I saw bodies of children, bodies of women, bodies of men.... Later they brought the bodies to the police compound. I saw them again. There I cried. I shouted, screamed. 'Don't do this to the people.' That day I saw everything."
The Border Security Forces sprayed a public coach with machine-gun fire, killing the driver and more than 15 passengers, said witnesses. Three other cars were also fired on, and then the paramilitary forces set the vehicles ablaze. Next, they began herding the native Kashmiris into shops and houses, said witnesses. Then the security forces shot them, splashed paraffin over the bodies and set the buildings alight. Officially, more than 250 shops and 50 homes were destroyed, but Kashmir sources claim that more than 450 buildings were burnt down. Another 25 bodies may still be trapped in the smoking rubble, claim witnesses. Daily Telegraph Report
Under a democratic system if you have people like Hitler in majority then there is nothing much you can do, then the killing of 1 million Jews and endangering the whole world is all inevitable... if two-thirds parliamentarians even vote in favour of something as inhumane as ‘Gay and lesbianism’, then it is bound to become a law which will be enforced by the judiciary. If the two-third Indian parliamentarians are in favour of a worst kind of state terrorism against unarmed Kashmiri youth then what else can you do other than watching as a mute spectator? It is thus manifest that under the shade of ‘equality’, ‘tranquillity’ and ‘freedom’ democracy sets out the worst form of a social and political set-up, Mehdi Siddique has his say...
Mehdi Siddique sums up as to how India has no legitimacy to consider Kashmir as its 'integral' part
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, Niyaz Ahmad has his say...
Kashmir is not a real estate which can be parceled out between two disputants but the home of a nation with a history far more compact and coherent than India’s and far longer than Pakistan’s', Ghulam Nabi Fai gives the fundamental accounts...
Abdul Majid Zargar takes a leaf from history by pointing towards some unknown but startling facts about accession
Omar Bashir takes us through a very powerful and thoughtful piece of writing which combines a personal testimony and highlights the alienation of Kashmir with India
We can kill people to suppress their ‘hum kya chahte, Azadi’ (we want, Freedom) slogans but how can we suppress their sentiments, their feelings, their emotions and their outlook and attitude which tells them that ‘Indian occupation is illegal, it is tyrannical and pure oppression’, Mehdi Siddique has his take...
Kashmiri Pandits: You owe us a condolence message
We want pandits back in Kashmir, but it really pains when they malign the indigenous freedom movement to prove their loyalty to New Delhi, Hamid Jan Bader comments
Do you think the people of Junagadh would have integrated with Pakistan after six decades of genuine Pakistani effort? No? Then can you really be confident that Kashmiris will stop demanding azaadi and integrate with India? Swaminathan S Anklesaria Aiyar has his say...
Quit J&K Movement’ continues to dent the occupation despite distortions and will continue to do so with the help of its cyber crusaders who remain more than matches to the Indian agencies, Dr. Sheikh Showkat comments
Had there been really any such document in possession of the Indian government, India would have surely used it on various international platforms to legitimize its rule over the state.
By: Aumar Aslam
Kashmir wants from India, just what India wanted from British, Mehdi Siddique comments
Accepting Jammu Kashmir as a disputed territory is a legal and historical compulsion for New Delhi. If accession is valid then dispute is very much there and has to be settled through a reference to the people, Mehdi Siddique comments
Kashmir continues to make itself heard globally but sadly it needs more innocent lives from the street of Kashmir to end the ‘forced ignorance’ and ‘intellectual arrogance’ in India. There is no life of dignity in Kashmir, and street will not retreat till it catches the Indian society and intelligentsia by its moral conscience, Inshah Malik comments
At a time when people were discussing, 'Will Eid package bring peace', no one seemed to care as to whether any package is actually on the row or not!; Mehdi Siddique analyses...