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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Kashmir we dream of…(Part 2)

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Under a democratic system if you have people like Hitler in majority then there is nothing much you can do, then the killing of 1 million Jews and endangering the whole world is all inevitable... if two-thirds parliamentarians even vote in favour of something as inhumane as ‘Gay and lesbianism’, then it is bound to become a law which will be enforced by the judiciary. If the two-third Indian parliamentarians are in favour of a worst kind of state terrorism against unarmed Kashmiri youth then what else can you do other than watching as a mute spectator? It is thus manifest that under the shade of ‘equality’, ‘tranquillity’ and ‘freedom’ democracy sets out the worst form of a social and political set-up, Mehdi Siddique continues...
The demand of ‘Azadi’ is not as threatening as the demand for ‘Azadi barah-e-Islam’ to India and world community by and large. Islam is something synonymous to ‘terrorism’ and ‘extremism’ for them. While others amongst them who know what Islam really stands for try to negate it deliberately just because they can’t see their notorious designs shrinking. Islam as they rightly understand means the complete end of oppressions of all kinds; it takes out an individual from the slavery of man and brings all humanity under the rule of their real master, Almighty God.

Anti-Islamic forces were always there in search of some opportunity to malign Islam, 9/11 gave them a perfect prospect. As if this was why 9/11 took place, one wonders. The post 9/11 era saw the full scale Islam maligning, any one seen even wearing a skull cap was labelled a terrorist, people were locked up in jails just because they had beards and placed their trousers above ankles! So much anti-Islamic and anti-Muslim was written that even Muslims started viewing the Islamic way of attiring as something ‘extremism’ and all! The liquidation of faith which had already engulfed Muslims in many ways now boomed in new century. Things like ‘Islamic state’ and struggling for it were nullified; chapters on Jihad and Ribaat were thrown out of Islamic study curriculum. Any one seen as uttering something in favour of ‘Islamic state’ was immediately labelled as ‘extremist’, ‘fundamentalist’ and even a ‘terrorist’ by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. This is where we stand today, a call for an Islamic state is seen something as a call to world war III!

 At this moment when such non sense is uttered and full scale maligning of Islam is taking place, it becomes an obligation on every Muslim individual in particular and every humanely person in general to raise their voice against the evil and false talks about Islam. It is not the time to remove chapters on Jihad, Islamic state and Ribaatfrom the Islamic books on jurisprudence and general studies, it is not the time to ban the lectures of scholars who talk about all these things and try to give a complete picture of Islam but to make the whole world aware about the fact as to how Islam is the solution to all problems of the world and how Islamic state is a best place to live in for a Muslim and a non-Muslim alike.

As far as Kashmir is concerned then we must understand as to why India is oppressing us in the first place? The so called ‘vibrant’, ‘democratic’ and ‘secular’ set up of India has denied us our basic rights and has even crossed all levels of oppression and tyranny. The people of India are not the ones to be blamed, many of them even don’t know as to what is happening in Kashmir, and many who know something continue their moral sympathy but they can’t just show it up in full, while others are forced to speak anti-Kashmir and anti-Kashmiris just because they are in threat themselves. People of Kashmir have time and again reiterated that ‘our struggle is not against the people of India, it is against the government of India’. I ask a simple question here, aren’t those running the government amongst the people of India? What I am trying to convey is that we are doing some serious mis-calculations; we must understand that it is the government set-up which is depriving us our rights and not the government itself. People like Advani, Arun Jaitely, Shushma Sawraj, Bal thackrey, Modi, Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh, Chidambharam  and Rahul Gandhi and parties like RSS and VHP are all irrelevant, they have a frame-work a set-up predefined under which they have to work. Manmohan singh, for example might be a good person but his allegiance to a set-up which is spilling the blood of Kashmiris day in and day out is what makes him bad. Therefore it is the social, political and even the economic set-up of India which is responsible for everything happening in Kashmir. After this is established, isn’t it making a mockery of our selves when we say we want an independent ‘secular and democratic’ Kashmir (something which India already is) when we know that it is the same ‘democracy’ and ‘secularism’ which has martyred over 100 thousand Kashmiris and rapped over 9000 Kashmiri women?

Democracy and secularism in their very essence and to some extent are good things, no doubt. But when it comes to live a life on practical terms then these ideas are just myths. And why is that we borrow a system of Greek origin (Democracy) when we have something far more superior with us, that is the Islamic system.

Democracy is a system in which a man has an upper hand, it implies the rule of people, majority is the authority. Islam contrarily means the rule of our Creator; the authority belongs to our Creator. Democracy means sovereignty belongs to people while as Islam means sovereignty belongs to our Creator. So there is a difference of day and night between Islam and democracy. Under a democratic system if you have people like Hitler in majority then there is nothing much you can do, then the killing of 1 million Jews and endangering the whole world is all inevitable... if two-thirds parliamentarians even vote in favour of something as inhumane as ‘Gay and lesbianism’, then it is bound to become a law which will be enforced by the judiciary. If the two-third Indian parliamentarians are in favour of a worst kind of state terrorism against unarmed Kashmiri youth then what else can you do other than watching as a mute spectator? It is thus manifest that under the shade of ‘equality’, ‘tranquillity’ and ‘freedom’ democracy sets out the worst form of a social and political set-up. The real face of democracy is such that it values only the elite class, if some thousand people are killed in 5-star Taj hotel then the whole country roars up but if thousands and thousands are killed in train blasts, riots and all day in and day out then a dumb silence is maintained. Islam on the other hand protects the rights of each and every citizen, Muslim and non-Muslim alike. Since the ruler has to abide by the Islamic laws broadly defined in Qura’an and Sunnah there is not even the microscopic chance that it would go against the humanely principles.Allah commands justice the doing of good and liberality to kith and kin and He forbids all shameful deeds and injustice and rebellion: He instructs you that ye may receive admonition.”—Holy Qura’an 16:90. “O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for justice as witnesses to Allah even as against yourselves or your parents or your kin and whether it be (against) rich or poor: for Allah can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (of your hearts) lest ye swerve and if ye distort (justice) or decline to do justice verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do.” Holy Qura’an 4:135

Moreover, the entire state machinery in an Islamic rule is obliged to the head of state only as long as he adheres himself to the Islamic commandments. Even the first Caliph of Islam made it very clear to the people in his very first address saying, obey me as long as I obey Allah and His Messenger (saw).

Secularism on the other hand is good by definition, but when it is employed in real life then it tends to dilute religions in order to bring them together. Hijab, for example is a part of Islam for women yet the ‘secular’ French government banned it. If secularism means that all people have full rights to practise their respective faiths then why Hijab is being banned. The concept of secularism was invented just to ‘somehow preserve integrity of modern tyrannical regimes’, you have people of different faiths in your country, in order to bring them to common platform you just go on diluting their religions. Because giving all rights in full will bifurcate the nation, this is how they think. Islam on the other hand gives rights to people of all faiths in full. Under Islamic rule we witnessed as to how the same structure was used by Muslims as Mosque and Christians as church in Jerusalem some 14 centuries ago.

Islam sets out clear principles in economy as well, it prohibits interest so that the money circulates in full in the real economy and no one gets paid just by keep money at some place for some years, it is free from all kinds of depressions and recessions and allows economy to grow on a stable rate. The removal of almost all direct and indirect taxes makes it sure that people grow economically day in and day out, Zakat on the other hand makes sure that the difference between rich and poor is marginalized. The fact is that if all the people of the world givezakat according to the Islamic system then the entire poverty of the world will vanish. The present day economic order, on the other hand, has enslaved people like anything and has benefited mostly the rich. As we know that 1% of the world population owns over 40% of the world assets and 10% of the world population owns 85% of the world resources, the remaining 90% world population have to compete for just 15% resources. Even in a developed economy like USA which is the no. 1 spender on ‘defence’ and spends more than what the next 14 countries spend together and spends on ‘defence research’ more than the countries of the entire world spend together, we have 37 million people who are below poverty line. The vanity talks like every year the world generates $54 trillion dollars is baseless when most of it is debt funded, In 2007 US generated nearly $14 trillion, however the National debt stood $9.7 trillion! It is perhaps because of all these reasons that Richard Robbins notes in his book, ‘Global problems and culture of capitalism’ that, “…Capitalism has not been successful in integrating all in equal measure.” Capitalistic notion of economic growth require the national economy to grow continually, this in turn needs consumer to continually spend, the availability of debt allows this on a massive scale. Once consumers have spend beyond their measures a cut in spending in inevitable in which case boom is followed by a crash.

Taxation policy of the current economic order forces individuals to save and hinders investing, 50-60% of salary people lose because of tax, because we have taxes like VAT, GST, sales tax, and all, we are taxed even on buying a pencil, educating our children, paying tuition fee, and all and then we are taxed even after our death (estate tax)!

Islam provides solutions to all of these problems, the only prime pre-requisite is the existence of a true Islamic state, and this is what we are fighting for. We want our land to prosper in all dimensions and thus Islam is what we have have to implement.

It must be noted that the Kashmiri struggle of Azadi barah-e- Islam should not be looked as something communal. Islam takes into due consideration the rights of minorities, it empowers them so much so that the Jews at the time of the second caliph of Islam used to immigrate in Muslim lands just because they were treated there more justly than their own countries. Islam stands for justice, we should not look at how media presents things, it always represents the interests of elite class. It is high time that the message of Islam is understood and a state is erected upon its principles. These ideas don’t apply to Kashmir alone but to all nations of the world, Islam brings out a real state where the ideals of justice, equality, tranquillity and freedom are upheld.

These concepts I acknowledge are missing in most of the Kashmiri youth, but here is where we have a role to play, we must draw lines, acquaint ourselves with our ‘immediate goal’ (freedom from India) and the ‘ultimate goal’ (an Islamic state). These goals are not discrete in nature; preparation needs to be done for each simultaneously. Realization of goals is a must, after people confirm to it then they can bring out pathways themselves. We must prepare ourselves at the grass root level, we must show sincerity towards the noble cause and the first step would be disseminating the knowledge of the Islamic state. Mere chanting of ‘Nizam-e- Mustafa’ won’t don’t any good unless we strive to implement it practically starting from our own very souls.

Mehdi Siddique is a thinker and writer from Kashmir and blogs at

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