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Please note that we rate blogs primarily on the basis of 'Kashmir centric' information available.
(Ratings and ranks are dynamic)

Opinion|Maker: Kashmir (website)
Raja Ghulam Mujtaba is the chairman and founder of O.M. Center for Policy Studies, a virtual Think Tank. O.M. Center for Policy Studies (OMCPS) publishes Opinion Maker, an online publication. This pages constantly brings in new write ups by various well known authors regarding Kashmir.
Freedom Writers Rating : 8.5

Insights: Kashmir
Created by Naveed Qazi, Insights: Kashmir (IK) has emerged as one of the best blogs where Kashmiris have voiced their opinion; fearless and strong. Although the attribution reads that the organization does not necessarily subscribe to the opinions published in the blog, Freedom Writers still gives a due credit to IK for its effort in making the genuine Kashmiri voice travel far and wide.
Freedom Writers Rating : 8.0

Paramount of Quiet Introspection
This blog was created in August 2010. "The bloodied summer of 2010 left a deep impact on my heart and mind, i just couldn't reconcile sitting idle when my brothers and sisters were being massacred by so called 'democratic' India, I had to do something and then Allah (swt) revealed unto me the power of pen and bestowed upon me his grace and mercy and I decided to expose the very heinous atoms of Indian state through my writings" says Mehdi Siddique . His articles India has lost Kashmir (aka Democracy in crisis) , Sentiment of Azadi (aka Azadi, myth or reality) and his analysis The Kashmir We dream of.... became  massive hits which got huge attention of the print media and social networking sites.
 Freedom Writers Rating : 8.0

Human Rights Violation in Kashmir
As described by the blog admin himself, "This news blog is about the excesses, atrocities, harassment, humiliation, acts of cold-blooded murder, mass rapes, arson and endless human rights violations perpetrated upon the helpless Kashmiri people demanding freedom, by the Indian security forces".
Freedom Writers Rating : 8.0

Bloodied Rivers of Kashmir
A great blog which provides the details about various massacres and tortures inflicted by the Indian state. It also highlights the state of mind of commoners in Kashmir.
Freedom Writers Rating : 8.0

Timez of Kashmir
Do you want to see yourself  laughing and crying at the same time? Well, this is what Timez of kashmir is best known for. A handsome blog which gives political insights with a unique way. 'It contains cutting edge satire on political and social scenario of Kashmir, and commentary on various issues.'
Freedom Writers Rating : 8.0

Random Thoughts!!!
A person who identifies himself as 'a son, a brother, a friend, a companion and so many to other people'; Tajamul Beig, the designer of Random Thoughts!!! started his blog journey in September, 2007 and has been ever since writing extensively on Kashmir.
Freedom Writers Rating : 7.5

Kashmir Gennxt
This blog was created by Nida Shiekh in December 2007. An artistic and innovative writer who besides writing novel articles has also registered her name in the field of poetry. Her style of writing is lucid and tender. one can feel the emotions while going through her writings. All this makes her writings pretty much eye catching.
Freedom Writers Rating : 7.0

Koshur Mazloom- An oppressed Kashmiri (Fearless expression)
Koshur Mazloom is the famous facebook user who has thrilled the rows of India with his write ups like Pakistan phobia and Indian morality But unfortunately we couldn't find many of his writings in this blog, nevertheless all that is present is enough to create havoc in Indian ranks.
Freedom Writers Rating : 7.0

Kashmir Freedom movement or Tehreek-e-Azadi is a blog which provides protest pictures, some videos and basic profile of Kashmir's Pro-Freedom leaders.
Freedom Writers Rating : 6.5

The key to power
This blog has something of everything in it, Umer Sultan describes it as a place to understand Islam, confront Islam-o-phobia and reject secularism and militarism. Even so Umer continuously updates his blog with Kashmir centric articles. Click here to view his facebook page.
Freedom Writers Rating : 6.5

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