Disputed territory
This refers to the Kashmir crisis. It is high time that the government of India and the citizens of the country understand that Kashmir is a disputed territory and not the part of India. The letters exchanged between Maharaja Hari Singh and Lord Mountbatten October 1947 clearly state that “The state of Jammu and Kashmir had never been a part Indian or Pakistani state, rather it had been an independent state.” Maharaja Hari Sing accepted his state with Indian Dominion to seek help. And it was clearly mentioned that as soon as law and order restores in the State, the question of the State’s accession should be settled by a reference of the people..... not the ruling body. Why is the Indian State so envious to Jammu and Kashmir?
Biased Media
For past several months Kashmir is on the edge. The vicious cycle of violence seems to be unending and in these testing times it is media which is expected to present the real picture of happenings to the world. But unfortunately, all is not well with the Delhi-based media.
Most of these channels seem to have boycotted to televise the Kashmir issue which indicates the truth behind their professionalism. Indian media is busy in arranging debates which avail nothing and mean nothing to common people of India. In most of these debates the anchor of the news channel acts like a judge and puts words in the mouth of those who are being invited to take part in debates. It is shocking to see how these anchors or moderators project Kashmir conflict. It’s disgusting to watch these channels who avoid airtime to the plight of Kashmiris and instead prefer run useless debates and news on match fixing and crime besides passing judgments from their cozy news rooms about the people of Kashmir, who everyday face bullets and humiliation in their own motherland.
Kifayat Hussain
Human Rights
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah has been saying that the cycle of violence has to end; however, the response from the state government is quite contrary. The bottomline is clear-no protests. Security forces, who are supposed to provide security, seem to be clear in their objective: crush the people.
The events that unfolded so far have shown a pattern. The state has declared an all our war against its own population particularly the youth. Unfortunately, the chief minister is acting as a tool in the hands of New Delhi when political prudence demanded that he should resign at once. He and his team of ministers, who supposedly have driven their power from public, seem to have lost the rapport. The chief minister and his cabinet have gone astray in their political analysis.
Shahnaz Ajaz Khan
Shahnaz Ajaz Khan
Protect HR

They are very focused towards the loss of education but can there be any value of education when human dignity and particularly chastity of women is unsafe? The first and foremost necessity is to protect and safeguard the human rights. The government is lamenting for loss of human life but are they really concerned towards the sufferings of people. Then why a single culprit out of those involved in killings of nearly 70 innocent people are not punished till date?
Lone Imtiyaz
Trehgam Kupwara
Lone Imtiyaz
Trehgam Kupwara
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