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Mehdi Siddique sums up as to how India has no legitimacy to consider Kashmir as its 'integral' part
Kashmir continues to make itself hear on a Global level. But the propellants of tranquillity, liberty, peace, justice and freedom have always turned a blind eye when it came to Kashmir. Partly because many don’t even consider the freedom struggle to be legitimate stating that it is the integral part of India, many try to keep themselves aloof of the ‘mess’ seeing their interests in a developing global economy, India. Many get infuriated when they see people chanting ‘Azadi barah-e-Islam’ and ‘Nizam-e-Mustafa’ like slogans and many prefer to stay away just because it is not in their bread and butter!

These are the same people who are seen giving long speeches on justice, equality, peace, harmony and freedom, how hollow are they and their speeches?
Army is never deployed to silence the voices of the ‘integral’ people, Deadly weapons are never used against the unarmed ‘integral’ people, night raids and crackdown are never afflicted upon the ‘integral’ people, the honour and dignity of the wives, sisters and daughters of ‘integral’ people are never plundered, ‘integral’ people are never smashed in jails in thousands under PSA just because they are peacefully protesting, ‘integral’ people are given the homely love and not looked upon as terror suspects, the 8 year old son of a father who also happens to be amongst the ‘integral’ people is not killed, the 64 year old father of a son who also happens to be amongst ‘integral’ people is not put to death, the land and resources of ‘integral’ people are never plundered, ‘integral’ people are not allowed to live in darkness while their resources are being sold to other countries, ‘integral’ people are not told to prove their identity by smashing in their houses in the midnight, the sons of ‘integral’ people are not tortured in torture camps, the voices of ‘integral’ people is heard and not suppressed. Deadly torture tactics like operation tiger and operation shiva are never used against ‘integral’ people. But if I am wrong and ‘integral’ people can be dealt that way then, yes, without any doubt, Kashmir is an integral part of India.
Some people argue saying Kashmir is still the integral part of India because, ‘Akbar united the whole subcontinent and integrated Kashmir with the great empire in 16th century’. If that is the logic to be followed then Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan (some areas). And that Spain, Egypt, Most of African countries, Palestine, Israel and lot others are all integral part of Saudi Arabia, because, the second Caliph of Islam united it all at that time (with capital city being Madinah)!
India when challenged with these facts always uses its trump card, i.e. the ‘accession’ instrument, which none but India can see. Had the instrument been real then India would have definitely put forth it in some international forum, even if it is there (for argument’s sake) then it should be called as an ‘instrument of defence’ rather than ‘accession’. The then King of J&K sought help from India against the kabalis and didn’t handover J&K to India.
India had its eyes on Kashmir long before partition; Jawahar Lal Nehru is reported to have cried when told that Kashmir is likely to accede to Pakistan (because of its Muslim majority nature).
When the partition draft was drawn by Radcliffe, then the pathway leading to Kashmir that is the Pathankote region was given to Pakistan but when Nehru and Mountbatten realized it they secretly changed the whole draft and placed that region with India.
Many writers have also recorded that Indian army was in Kashmir long before 27th Oct, India indeed had definite plans for Kashmir. And when the Indian army chased the kabalis away, they were ordered to stop at Uri, why? Because had they ‘liberated’ (read as conquered), the whole J&K then the UN plebiscite would have been in due effect. And they knew Plebiscite means that India loses Kashmir, so the gimmick they played was that since the Maharaja sought help to free the whole J&K so let some portion of it be in the hands of kabalis so that a permanent base is erected for India in the ‘liberated’ portion. They had all the resource rich part of J&K so leaving some hills of Balouchisthan was not that a big deal.
On one hand the plan got executed in full and on other the terror began to dawn upon innocent Kashmiris. India indeed won the land and resources of Kashmir and imprisoned Kashmiris, but it failed to imprison the hearts and minds of Kashmiri youth who continue to dream of Azadi, they continue to turn out on streets with no arms against all deadly arms. They continue to lay down their lives and nothing stops them. Spirit of Azadi is in their blood and veins and nothing can draw it out. It is deepening its roots with each passing day.
If Junagad, which was a Hindu majority and ruled by a Muslim king had acceded to Pakistan at the time of partition, had Pakistan been able to integrate it with itself, if No then how can India even think of integrating J&K (which was just opposite of Junagad, a Hindu ruler ruling a Muslim majority) with it.
The Indian government is well versed with all these facts and they know that they can’t hold Kashmir for long, yet they continue to fool their citizens by portraying the protestors as terrorists, and the paradox is that the citizens accept the things as such, they don’t question and they don’t introspect and when some do so and support Kashmir’s freedom struggle they label them as anti Indians! It is high time that the Indian citizens start reflecting on the facts and not listen to the music of biased media, they must understand that if the government is itself wrong then how come government sponsored media can be right?
Mehdi Siddique is a thinker and writer from Kashmir and blogs at www.mehdisiddique.blogspot.com
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