By: Er. Maqsood Ahmad Shahdad
This refers to a news item “UN resolutions have few takers in JK: interlocutors.” This is an eye opener for Kashmiris in general and the leaders of the present movement in particular. This statement is indicative of the mindset and the motive of the interlocutors and their sponsors: Government of India. They appear to be working strictly in accordance with the instructions of New Delhi by issuing a few favourable statements to cool down the tempers and subsequently pursue their agenda of diverting the people from supporting the movement. The only thing GoI has been serious and fast about was appointing two high powered committees for Jammu and Ladakh province to look into their grievances regarding development. They give an impression that as if more than 100 innocent and unarmed young Kashmiris had laid down their lives for the development of Ladakh and Jammu. The interlocutors are talking about improvement in Governance and Development and ensuring some basic rights to the people as if these are the issues for which Kashmiris have been fighting for the last 63 years. The irony is that every agency in India or Kashmir and the interlocutors and political parties are talking about measures to be taken to bring peace back to Kashmir and no one is talking about the political resolution of Kashmir issue. Some leaders or parties talk about the resolution within the parameters of the Indian constitution which is not what people want. They should know that even if peace returns to Kashmir for some time, it would be temporary and should not be construed anything else. It is not known how the interlocutor’s arrived at the conclusion that people of Kashmir are not in favour of settlement of Kashmir problem in accordance with the UN Resolutions. If they want to ascertain truth, let them hold a referendum.

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